Apr 24, 2017
Welcome back! Today, we’re talking with Sara O'Connor, one of our law school and bar exam tutors, about setting yourself up for summer job success, regardless of the type of job you're going to be doing. Summer law jobs can come with a lot of pressure. There are many things to consider when trying to make a good impression; work product, work ethic, and interpersonal skills are key factors. Tune in for a preview of life as a summer associate or intern, along with tips for getting the most out of the experience (including a job offer).
In this episode, we discuss:
Episode Transcript: Download the Transcript (http://lawschooltoolbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Episode-94-Summer-Job-Success-w-Sara-OConnor.pdf)
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Thanks for listening!
Alison & Lee