May 30, 2016
Welcome back! Today we have one of our most experienced bar tutors, Ariel Salzer with us to talk about the essay portion of the bar exam. Many students dread (and even put off) practicing for the essays. We dig into why this is and give helpful tips on how to tackle those essays and find bar exam success.
In this...
May 23, 2016
Welcome back! Today we're discussing the top five mistakes students consistently make when preparing for the bar exam, with special guest Ariel Salzer. Ariel is one of our most experienced bar exam tutors, so we’re very excited to have her here today to give us a rundown of the biggest mistakes she sees students...
May 16, 2016
Welcome back! Today we’re talking about some surprising LSAT myths with Nathan Fox, founder of Fox LSAT.
In this episode we discuss:
Nathan shares his top myths about the LSAT (some of which are pretty surprising!):
1. You should only take it once
2. You need to finish the sections to score well
May 9, 2016
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today we are talking about writing effectively in a summer legal job. Joining us as a guest is Doretta McGinnis, who has taught Legal Writing for many years and is now a Law School Toolbox tutor.
If you are working this summer in a legal context, tune in for tips on how...
May 2, 2016
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today we are talking with special guest, Fairuz Abdullah, Associate Director of Public Interest Programs and Judicial Clerkships in the office of career and professional development at UC Hastings, about how to get a judicial clerkship! As some of you may know, the...