Dec 18, 2017
Welcome to the Law School Toolbox Podcast! Today, we have guest Sadie Jones, an ex-BigLaw recruiter, here to talk about some resume no-gos: all those things that you should never do on your resume. Sadie has seen a lot of resumes, for different positions, from a variety of candidates, and at a diverse collection of law...
Dec 11, 2017
Welcome to the Law School Toolbox Podcast. Today, we're talking with ex-BigLaw recruiter guest, Sadie Jones, about how to get people to help you with your job search and how to keep them happy when they do help. As the saying goes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” so don’t be afraid to connect with...
Dec 4, 2017
Welcome to the Law School Toolbox podcast. Today, we're talking about how to maintain a professional profile in the digital age where so much of your life is online, for better or worse. Technology is omnipresent; we are connected now more than ever, and in ways we don’t even know about. If you want to maintain...