Oct 31, 2016
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today, we’re talking about how to figure out what type of law to practice. There are more options than most people realize, and your career happiness and success can ride on these decisions, so it’s important to think beyond “litigation or corporate.”...
Oct 24, 2016
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today Lee is leading a panel discussion about what it takes to succeed as a 21st-Century lawyer. In this discussion, we dive into the characteristics of successful lawyers in today's legal workplace and talk about how to gain those skills and traits while still in law...
Oct 17, 2016
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Almost every 1L in the country will take some sort of legal research and writing class. Today, we're discussing the top ten LRW disasters we see again and again, so you can avoid them!
Many thanks to Thomson Reuters, the sponsor for this episode. You likely interact with...
Oct 10, 2016
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast. Today we're running through your mid-semester to-do list to ensure you're where you need to be before it's too late.
Mid-semester is the time when reality sets in for most law students. Whatever is going on - midterms, sniffles, boredom - it's time to focus on the end goal...
Oct 3, 2016
Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast. Today we're talking about how to have a successful law school internship or externship experience. For most law students, these jobs are their first experiences in the legal workplace (or maybe in any professional workplace). Be sure you're behaving like a...