Apr 24, 2017
Welcome back! Today, we’re talking with Sara O'Connor, one of our law school and bar exam tutors, about setting yourself up for summer job success, regardless of the type of job you're going to be doing. Summer law jobs can come with a lot of pressure. There are many things to consider when trying to make a good...
Apr 17, 2017
Welcome back! Today, we’re addressing some of the questions we've gotten from incoming 1Ls about law school academics. There are many things about law school that inherently make law school intimidating, unfamiliar territory. Tune in for some tips on preparing yourself mentally for what to expect so you go into...
Apr 10, 2017
Welcome back! Today, we’re answering the top questions we get from incoming 1Ls and we're talking about the bottom line: money. For many people, talking about money is taboo, uncouth, or just uncomfortable, but if you’re planning to go to law school, it better be a key factor in your decision-making process. You...
Apr 3, 2017
Welcome back! Today, get ready to be inspired! We’re talking with Rachel Hundley, an attorney who, after living the law firm life in New York City, eventually landed in the California Wine Country City of Sonoma. Not long after relocating there, she started to get involved in local politics, first getting elected...